Important Legal Disclaimer

We are not responsible for any injuries resulting from the use of our products or services.

We provide legal disclaimers to ensure transparency. We are not responsible for any injuries that may occur. We use a variety of herbs from various sources, if you have specific allergies to flowers, herbs, or other natural elements used in the Yoni/ Pelvic steaming process, and or are prone to rashes and infections please contact your doctor for advice.

About Our Services

Poseidon Natural Rejuvenation is not a medical facility, we do not offer cures or diagnose illnesses, we are a natural health facility that promotes holistic alternatives and soothing rituals to reconnect our clients with nature. Please consult your doctor if you are unsure if these methods are safe for you or any condition you may have. To be clear no medical claims are expressed or implied regarding treatments, cures, diagnosis, or prescriptions.

Do not do Colonic Hydrotherapy if you:

  1. Have Ulcerative colitis

  2. Have Diverticular disease

  3. Have Crohn's disease

  4. Have Severe hemorrhoids

  5. Have Rectal fissure(s)

  6. Have Severe anemia

  7. Have an Abnormal hernia

  8. Have any Gastrointestinal cancers

  9. Have had Recent colon surgery

  10. Are Dehydrated

  11. Are Pregnant

  12. Have Heart diseases

  13. Have Vascular disease

    (list is not all inclusive, please get your doctor's advice if you are unsure of your ability to have a colonic session)

Do not have a Yoni/Pelvic Steam:

  1. If you are pregnant

  2. During menstruation or any vaginal bleeding episode

  3. If you have active infections

  4. If you have open sores or wounds

  5. If you had recent surgery

  6. If you have an IUD or Contraceptive Device

  7. If you are prone to Vaginal Infections

  8. During or after Radiation or Chemotherapy

  9. If you have Pelvic inflammatory disease

  10. If you have Endometriosis, Fibroids or any other chronic pelvic pain condition.

    (list is not all inclusive, if you are not sure if it is safe to have a Yoni/Pelvic Steam please consult your doctor)

We value your safety

Refund policy

You are entitled to cancel your appointment within 24 hours of appointment time without giving any reason for doing so and you will receive a 100% refund.

In order to exercise your right of cancellation, you must inform us of your cancellation by means of a clear statement via email or telephone call (please do not text your cancellation)

If you have a cancellation under the 24-hour mark you will be charged a 50% cancellation fee. (When you are scheduled for an appointment, it prohibits someone else from utilizing our service for that time period and we lose out financially).

Contact Us

If you have any questions about our Returns and Refunds Policy, please contact us by e-mail